Thursday, November 14, 2002

the great illusion

would have been the title of Renoir's masterpiece had they translated it correctly. This and more in the lovely commentary by Peter Cowie accompanying the film. Finally, after long last, here's good commentary that gently mixes cast bios and observations about the scenes in the film to provide cogent (in my opinion) evidence of this being a classic film. There are several heart-rending moments that are presented with simplicity and dignity, avoiding the maudlin mush. Highly recommended. And no, it doesn't feel long. If you're looking for mindless formulaic entertainment go watch Half Past Dead instead.

Got a couple of books from AFPL too:

* Suspects/David Thomson: A great book of well-etched bios of famous people in film fiction by one of the most under-rated film critics around.

* Hooked/Pauline Kael: Another collection of caustic outpourings from the Grand Lady of American Film journalism.

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