Thursday, October 06, 2005

w(h)ither education?

{from: india uncut}

The CBSE is going soft on spelling errors in exam papers (except when the subject presumably has something to do with inglish).

Pavnesh Kumar, CBSE's controller of examinations has several dregs of wisdom:

Kumar says today's children are "extremely weak" in spelling and he blames the "change in mode of teaching at schools" for this. Spelling and dictation classes are passe and the focus is on developing communication skills.

"It is, therefore, wrong to penalise kids for spelling goofups, if they have the right answers. Too much of computers is also causing this."

After that mouthful of meaningless nothing [emulating the pasha of peripatetic prose, SRK], he proceeds to offer some insight into how the board plans to design and implement this masterful stroke of pedagogical brilliance:

We've devised a scientific marking pattern for this.

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