Wednesday, April 14, 2010

a hexadecimal dollar's worth of laughs

I am embarrassed at not having stumbled upon George Vaccaro's blog dominated by posts about his encounter with surreal customer service at Verizon that refused to acknowledge the influence of units of measure on financial calculations. You can listen to the recording of the phone call here and read a transcript here. Here's a sample to make sure you actually follow those links.

G: Do you recognize that there's a difference between "point zero zero two dollars" and "point zero zero two cents"?
M: Point zero zero two dollars?
G: Do you recognize that there is actually...
M: ...and point zero zero two cents.
G: Yes, do you you recognize there's a difference between those 2 numbers?
M: No.
G: Okay, is there a difference between 2 dollars and 2 cents?
M: Well, yeah, sir..
G: Well okay, is it.. is there a difference between .002 dollars and .002 cents?
M: .002 dollars and .002 cents.
G: Yes, is there a difference between..
M: Sir, sir, they're.. they're both the same if you, if you look at 'em on paper-wise

G: [big sigh] Okay, I think I have to do this again. Do you recognize that there's a difference between one dollar and one cent?
A: Definitely.
G: Do you recognize there's a difference between half a dollar and half a cent?
A: Definitely
G: Then, do you therefore recognize there's a difference between .002 dollars and .002 cents
A: No.
G: No?
A: I mean there's... there's no .002 dollars.

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