Wednesday, March 03, 2004

the hours

The only other Daldry film I've seen is the simpler and much-less-expensive Billy Elliot. Haven't read any Virginia Woolf. Didn't know much about her. Yet this spatio-temporally multi-layered film was a joy to watch. Although I still can't fathom Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore justify all plaudits for their wonderful turns. I haven't read Michael Cunningham's post-modern source novel, but the special features on the DVD did give me the impression that there were important changes during the transition to the screen. Philip Glass's primary motif (which felt like Herrmann's Vertigo theme inverted) reappears in different forms and textures and fits well in its role connecting the different threads progressing through the exploration of the writer, the book and a character. Ed Harris, Stephen Dillane, Miranda Richardson, and John C Reilly lend able support. And now I must try and read some Woolf.

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