Monday, May 05, 2003

party on: class of spring 2003

The class of Spring 2003 at Georgia Tech graduates (or walks, as they say in the US of A) today. While the placeholder for this post was added in the morning hours, the event of interest (Masters, PhD) happened at 3pm. The usual speeches preceded the event, after the national anthem. CDC Director Julie Gerberding was the chief guest, and she spoke of SARS, the Westnile virus and other malignancies ailing humankind, and had nothing really germane to the occasion at hand. After having fun cheering my graduating friends, interpreting the speeches and things transpiring about me, I decided to take a little walk for the rest of the ceremony (There was no way I was going to stay and listen to them sing that stupid condescending "Ramblin' Wrek").

A grand potluck party brought graduating friends and their families together and I was glad I could attend (although I indulged in many a walking spree trying to find someone who was driving there). A splendid time was guaranteed for all, and thankfully, no one was keen on guzzling on the malt and walking about in a stupor.

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